Pure Murder

Presumably so as not to find herself in a libel court, Mexican artist Minerva Cuevas has cunningly changed the name of a well known global brand to something, well, different.

However, before we get to that. This. Spent a chilled and relaxed afternoon with Framer's Intent wandering around town just going nowhere much in particular. Zig zagged around in the sunshine, which was lovely, but wasn't getting the photo vibe much, so was happy when we both pretty much decided at the same point that beer was required. It was a pleasure to meet you Sara and thank you for your kind words on your post today.

Now back to the tomatoes. They are a striking installation - it hits quite hard, even before you've done the research as to what its all about.

It is apparently an attack on the CIA for promoting a coup in Guatemala in 1954 which resulted in the ouster of the then democratically elected government. That government wanted to nationalise the United Fruit Company. I can't help feeling that the '50s USA had other things on their minds apart from fruit.

I'm not entirely sure she hasn't got her angle of attack directed in the right place, but I guess this stuff is made to make you think.

Lovin' the Biennial already.

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