If You Could See Me Now


Eye See.

Desperate for a blip, and loving the sunlight streaming through the windows at the moment!!

Makes me sooo happy!!! :)

First day back at tech today and straight into the massive workload...

Photoshop class teamed where we looked at NZIPP awards, Nick's being one of them, and then talked about "Colour Management" - which is dry and hard to focus of on, but important.

Then met Mum for lunch, which was a great catch up, coz I miss her lots.

Then tutorial for Illustration and a quick photoshoot to get pictures for the photoshop assignment - which was quick and me and Loren now both have pictures to edit :)

It was weird busing home and seeing the buildings that have been torn down since I was on the bus at 8am going into town... and by 3pm they were gone...

Town looks like a war zone, detours and buildings coming down everywhere.

Next week is the last week of term...

I don't know where this year has gone...


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