
By worldlens

House of One Heart

This is our dorm, House of One Heart (BJD/Baan Jai Diaow in Thai.) I've talked a lot about it, so I thought you should have a picture. The ground floor is the common area. The floors above on the left are for the guys and on the right for the girls. The roof is our laundry drying area. You can't see my window because I have a room in the middle, which I actually enjoy because having no window means fewer mosquitoes can come in for dinner while I am sleeping.

Behind the greenery on the left is the "Shake Shack" where you can get iced or hot coffee, tea, cookies and cream shakes, banana smoothies, or chocolate banana smothies (my favorite!) It's a nice area to hang out, help students with their English homework, practice Thai, listen to people practice guitar, etc.

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