Doll House

By dollhouse

The Camera Monster

It is quite a cold and blustery day here, so I decided to dig out hats for Lucy & Izzy. They both have super-cute, matching, french-style knitted berets, and I decided that it would be lovely to take a shot of them both together, wearing said-hats. However, whilst Lucy Doll was very excited to be wearing her beret, and declared it to be 'the most beautiful beret in the world', Izzy was in the most awful grump and flatly refused to sport her hat.

'Fine' I sighed, 'Despite the fact that it is 5 sizes too small for me, Mama shall wear it instead'. So Izzy Doll went for a nap, and Mama wore the other most beautiful beret in the world.

'Today we are going to do something very exciting' I told Lucy. 'Today we are NOT going to take our photograph with Mama holding the camera, as we normally do; today we are going to use...*drumroll* the tripod!!'

'Wowee!' says Lucy, then looks a bit puzzled as I am setting it up 'But Mummy, who is going to take the photo then?'

'Quiet now Lulu, smile at the camera please, just like Mama is doing'

'But Mummy! Who is taking the photo????'

'Well, inside the camera, is a small, tiny, scary little creature...'

'A scary little creature...?'

'Yes, a tiny, scary, little creature is going to take our photo, his name is The Camera Monster!'

'The Camera Monster Mummy...? The Camera MONSTER?? NOOOOO!'


Oh dear. The beret shot didn't quite work out. And now Lucy Doll is completely traumatised by the Camera Monster and shall probably run a mile if she ever sees the tripod again. Back to Mama holding the camera the next time...

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