You guessed it

Yeah, right!! I know everybody can see I had no time for taking pics today!! This is just a piece of African Art, which I happen to like a lot!

I think I can almost promise you that all of this will be back to normal after 15 October! Hiehiehie!! We are só looking forward to my dear boys to arrive here at OR Tambo on 26 September, but sadly, leaving again on 15 October! That's all that matters in our household at the moment!! Wooooohhhoooooo!! Haven't seen them in two years and four weeks!!! I am sure you can imagine how excited we are!! ;-)

We had some sad news on our News channel tonight. A famous and actually world renowned artist, Bettie Cilliers-Barnard, passed away at the age of almost 96 today, she was born on 18 November 1914 in Rustenburg, South Africa!

She was the doyenne of South African artists and has become a legend in her own time! Her first solo exhibition was in 1946, in Pretoria, and she painted up to a short while ago. She studied in Paris, Switzerland, USA as wel as the UK and took part in various Biennials all over the world. She has notched up 74 solo exhibitions, in SA as well as abroad and participated in some 150 national and international group exhibitions and received over 20 awards by local as well as foreign organizations.

We saw a program on her life a few months ago, she was still very active and sharp minded and still painted, although she was not as strong anymore and, according to her, weighed just over 35kg's at the time of the programme. She was such a delightful person, the whole interview was só full of zest, she was absolutely remarkable!

Rest In Peace dear Bettie! And condolences to her lovely and talented actor-daughter Jana Cilliers as well as her son and any other loved ones!

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