Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Shield Bug!

I had some nice ominous cloud shots for today but I can take them any time whereas it's not every day that a little sheild bug decideds to pay a visit to your window. Mind you, I say that, I'd never seen one of these little insects before until this summer, I have now seen at least four!

(Please ignore the interference from dirt on my windows, one day I'll be brave enough to try the sash window hinges and clean them)

In other news:

Milo ate! I super heated a mouse (40'c as apposed to 30'c) and she struck it immediately.

Also, I might be getting a garden. Wait, what? A garden! Yes, I know, I live in a top floor flat and no, I've not done a deal with the neighbours to let me dig up the backgreen to plant veggies. Equally I haven't miraculously jumped the allotment queue. I've found a garden share scheme. They match up people who want to garden with elderly and disabled people who can no longer tend their own gardens. You get to grow fruits and veg and tend their garden and flowers in exchange for some of what you grow. Have to have character references and police checks and then hope that a garden within travelling distance is available, but fingers crossed. In the meantime, I've signed up to Shandon Local Food Group which means I can go and help out at the community garden at the Royal!

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