
By dailykeith


There's more than a touch of excited schoolboy about today's blip offering.

I was at the station playing around with the camera on my iPhone when I heard the Cheltenham to Bristol express heading my way at a crazy speed.

I wanted to capture the front of it on camera, but was a millisecond too early with my timing. I clicked a second time and caught one of the other carriages whizzing by.

Then, when I checked my photos I was amazed at the distortion in the first image (middle above). It hasn't been doctored in any way - this is the effect of a lightning quick express train which, incidentally, is just out of shot to the right.

All this is probably unbelievably dull to most people - and I guess everybody is well aware of this effect anyway.

But I've never captured this on camera and it genuinely surprised me.

It's ok... I'll go and play quietly in the corner now!

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