RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Taking it Easy

What is camping, really?

It's taking all your stuff into the out of doors, typically some wild place with bears and deer and other little critters (raccoons, lizards, bees, wasps, skunk, mice, spiders(as big as a Buick), birds, and oh yeah, other campers...). All, wanting to share your property (and stuff). And, it's cooking meals in challenging conditions, washing dishes, drying dishes, taking a hike, coming back to camp, resting and then going to sleep. Include taking photos and drinking various combinations of liquor, beer, sodas, juice and such.

But, what it really is, is tiring and you need to relax. So, this is my blip-of-the-day that pretty much says it all for my second day in camp. Sorry, but after setting up yesterday and taking care of getting most things together, this is how I felt.

Actually, camping is quite fun and relaxing - this is a photo of the relaxing part!


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