Family Dog

By Family_Dog

yaaaar haaaar haaaaaar

Plans are WELL under way for our second attempt at bringing fun and frolicks to the masses.

This time it's a Hallowe'en Special - on 29 October at the Wee Red Bar in Edinburgh if you fancy it.

Fancy dress optional (watchout though - you might get spanked if you don't) - but why would you not?

Now I just need to decide what to go as. I am rubbish at this sort of thing. In my head I think of something wonderful (say, The Eiffel Tower) then leave it to the last minute and go as something piffling (say, a bin bag caped Abi) and spend the whole night cursing myself for my big ideas and tiny ability to pull it off.

Not this year though. No way dagnammit, I'm going to do something amazing. Incredible. Gasp inducing.


Any ideas?

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