Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie


The last couple days fern-willow has been standing alone for longer periods of time, she would then plop down, proud of her new found strength.
today daddy and I sat on the floor and stood her between us, when she bravely took one small wobbly step into daddy's arm's, Not wanting to push her, we praised her highly, and then let her continue playing as normal!
A bit later in the day, Fern-Willow's friend Megan Poppy popped round with her parents and big big sister, Harriet.
Megan's daddy stood fern-Willow up to see her standing, Facing towards Harriet, Fern-Willow grinned and proudly took 4 steps...!! Standing her back up facing back the other way, she took another 4 steps!!
Talk about very proud parents alert, Megan's parents & Harriet honoured to see her first major milestone into toddler hood!
I am so proud of my beautiful girl, and for once a clean smiling Fern-Willow, but I do have a dirty camera lens..!!!
(why does she have a leg hanging out, I have no idea, these baby grow's never seem to stay on her legs, she normally has one little toe popping out!)

Going to try and get a video clip tomorrow!

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