Green leaves

What makes you happy?

I have been pondering this question for probably about a week now...not so much what makes me happy, as much as why I don't focus on it. I was thinking about how much I love to listen to the ocean waves, but really don't like to be IN them, and how very particular that is. Green light streaming down from the leaves, warm breezes through the window, tea time, fresh "line dried" sheets, children narrating their games out-loud to themselves, damselflies landing on my knee, cool starry nights, crisp mornings...
With the millions of tiny moments out there making me happy, why does it only take one person to cut me off in traffic to destroy my attitude? The terrible moment is still out numbered by beautiful moments in my day, so shouldn't they get more of my thought?

I had to bring my camera to the shop today :(
The first place I brought it said it would be 2-3 weeks to clean. TWO to THREE WEEKS!! I am pretty sure I stopped breathing until the shop boy had mercy upon me and mentioned another local store which could clean it in house instead of sending it away. Hahaha! Who knew I would miss my camera so much?! Turns out the other place will have it 3-5 business days. RELIEF!
This afternoon alone has been torture with out my camera by my side (tree down on power lines in the middle of the road NEVER happens, and would have made a GREAT blip!), but I am SOOO glad it will not be gone for weeks! :)

See you in a few days!

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