In The 'Wood

By Fayzeeday

landscapes in oil

I haven't blipping for ages now; I have a new lover, painting. I haven't painted at all, never mind in oils for...well, without giving my age away, lets say decades! And landscapes, never. So, it has come as a surprise to find a deep seated desire for painting impressionist/expressionist landscapes. More and more my photography is put to work in the service of my painting and recently I have started to rely on my computer to aid colourisation and a distillation of form. Each day, when I return with landscape shots, I quickly abbreviate them to see if they have any chance of joining the few worthy of being considered for further investigation. Of course, this only provides a rough guide and has very little comparison with the finish under-drawing or painting, but useful in structure and tonal terms.
This didn't fit that bill, but I thought as a moderately interesting rejection, it was worth a blip. Might try and do this more often.

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