
By Poppy

Another blustery day!

More gales today, wild and windy but occasionally bright sunshine too, so not all bad. Dashed to the optician's after work but my new glasses still aren't home. Hey ho, should be here by Monday - planes and post permitting! One of the joys of island living is that if you order anything from south of John O'Groats you are at the mercy of the weather and the ferries/planes. By post you can get your goodies the next day, and we do, regularly, for work, but lots of companies now use carriers instead so things languish at the depots on the way north and can take up to two weeks! Grrr . . . Something that annoys me greatly - and nothing to do with the fact that The Skipper (as I sometimes call him!) is also a postman! Poor man is outside in the bitter cold just now, welding up the trailer so we can retrieve Aida. Will be so good to get her home.

Freezing cold paws on our walk after work tonight - must hunt out my gloves this weekend!

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