Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Kidz Inc. September

Tonight's Kidz Inc. skit was about our month's core virtue 'Respect....showing others they are important by what you say and do' with the months verse being "Show proper respect to everyone." 1 Peter 2:17

This blip photo is a funny skit in which my son, Liam, was drawn to go on-stage as well as my husband, Gary. Each month the weekly children's church classes are based around a single core virtue. Paola was using the funny example of the spray bottle she uses on her kitty when she misbehaves. No, I don't use that technique on my kids, they would like that too much! Spray bottles are something I've purchased at the dollar stores for several years as my kids favorite 'summer toy' and to cool down after I doubt that would be effective in parenting. Gary and Liam enjoyed being on stage for the funny skit all based around respect. The kids in my class have been learning about respecting their 'authority figure', thus the funny sign on Gary's head.

Headed out to Baskin Robbins afterwards with the church family and Linda met up with us as well to have ice cream with Cody and to take him home for the night. Food and friends, always a nice combination :)

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