Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Razor Wire

Well I thought it was barbed wire but my dad corrected me.

I can't quite put my finger on it but I think this has to be one of my favourite photos recently - I guess I just like it!

It's been a good day today - I got a print done in the darkroom (I just need to take some pix to get my own negatives! Just need a battery for the film camera first) Took around 150 photos around Glasgow NOT ON AUTO - woo hoo - so will hopefully have some for my assignments.

Evening didn't quite go to plan as my friend's flight got postponed and then cancelled which meant she wasn't going to be home for me to go visit. I guess I won't be getting my pix on Aberdeen beach tomorrow after all! On the plus side, I also won't be getting dragged to an EARLY morning spinning class up there either!

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