Fescue to the rescue

All day long, I was so focused on backing up pictures, wiping and formatting CF cards, finally processing some pics from the lake weekend, and getting to some more electronics shots for Mr. F, that this was all I snapped.

How do people shoot weddings or other events for a living? All this sitting is enough to drive me bonkers, even with frequent standing up and stretching.

It's been cool and overcast for days-love it. The two tiny patches of front lawn I painstakingly hand-weeded and seeded three weeks ago are looking thick and lush, then today I saw an unknown person let their huge dog deposit its reserve of ammonia on it. So help me....instead of engaging him, I sprinted out, dragged the hose to the spot and soaked it thoroughly and silently while staring daggers at him. Wuss or what? If Mr. F had been home...Oh dear, I think I'm becoming more intolerant of inconsiderate and oblivious people as I get older.

Speaking of getting older-happy birthday baby brother. Last time I introduced you as my baby brother you got so ticked off at me but guess what...you got it. Always. I remember when I carried you down the church isle to be baptized. It felt like you weighed a ton and me being only nine, my main thought was: please don't let me drop him, please, please, please. x

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