A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale


Silence, come, fill me
I am sitting on a beach waiting for you
Wait, wait.

You are soft piano keys
that fall and play the song of my heart.
Sing, Sing.

Silence, you are rest
and yet you are striving, never still.
Patience, Patience.

Silence, come and wrap me
in your grasp as I trust as I ask Him to be my peace
Shalom, Shalom.
- Copyright 2010 Adrienne Goetz

Thought of you today. Silence. Oh Silence. Funny how often that's when my heart speaks the loudest, you just have to listen.

Life moved so quickly this week I think I am still catching up to its fine grasp, to its definition of time. I had a fun meeting today, I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. A wonderful science teacher, we talked about everything. She said that my degree keeps me sane because I am my own Psychologist, it made me laugh. She has horses and said I was welcome to come out any time and go riding with her. I asked her if she was serious, and she said she was, so I might have to take her up on it. Yes, I will take pictures. Work was challenging. I wrote an entire project proposal in 24 hours, I am a little sleepy and my eyes are starting to droop but I got it done darn it.

Met with the Wycliffe people again tonight and it was fun. Lois the wife understood my heart and its rebellious sides so well. It was a blessing an an encouragement to meet with them. To hear their stories and their struggles. Thus is life. What a joy to hear where you have come from and where you are going. My eyes are drooping and my body is complaining. My feather bed will feel good tonight.

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