Fantasy Land

By maryam

Dead flower looks so lively

The war is over - for now
the medals all are handed out
and shine with an evil gleam -
the device of all killing is this strange respect for ceremony.
And what pacts, what nations, what causes
have meaning to the heroes now?

He kneels before the chestnut tree
comic, too loud, his chest puffed out
and the giant will not answer
there is only the biting wind
and the soldier's mirrored solitude.
There are only memories and flat futures ...
futures in the arms of women
who smell of dead flowers.

i Just noticed my journal is full of portraits so last night i decided to capture something different. Its so hard to control my fingers, not to look faces but something different. This was one from the bouquet i received on eid day but somehow while cleaning maid put them under my bed, today i was looking for my lost heels and found these so thought to capture the dead flowers who make me feel lively for many days.

some other shoots
this one with texture this one

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