
By rainie

These signs took my eye...

We stayed overnight in ChCh with our old high school friends, we see quite a lot of each other, but was good to see how they were fearing since the earthquake....they are pretty good really, and their losses were minimal on the whole scale of things, but she had lost all her precious china from her parents and grandparents...smashed into tiny little pieces, I suggested she work them into a moasic of some type when she feels up to it.

We experienced two aftershakes both 4.5 & both very different. The one over night was a very sharp jolt, the one this morning was more like a feeling of being on a boat...the difference although measuring the same was the depth....interesting.

They took us into the CDB area which was opened again just yesterday, a heap of devastation to be seen, and incredibly some areas have been totally cleared, just a empty place....spooky really. Whilst I felt a little uneasy photographing these places, I was careful to only record the business & retail areas.

This afternoon we picked up our friends dups &
Rob from the airport - great to see them again and we had a good catch up on the journey home to Timaru.

Watching some rugby now, then off to bed shortly.

Nite e nite

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