
My cousin Connor will be pleased to know that my Land Rover, Earl Grey, is running. It broke down recently when Connor was driving it. A minor electrical problem.

So we pressed the Earl into use. Me, Ken and Jo used him to carry a pile of wood I cut. Then Ken and I put one of the pig traps on the flat bed and took it up the back of the property. Now they have had a lot of unseasonable rain here. Oops! The country around Ken's place is saturated. I drove the Land Rover over what looked like solid ground when suddenly I was bogged to the axles.

No biggie. We walked back to the house and fired up the Toyota Landcruiser. Half an hour later we had pulled the Earl out of the bog.

What is probably most amazing is that for five or six years at a time this countryside is dry. The soil is kind of sandy. Not the kind of place you would expect to bog a vehicle to the axles.

I have driven four wheel drives in a number of situations. Getting bogged in muddy soil is a first.

It was a good day anyway. The Land Rover getting bogged made for something different.

Jassy was in her element.

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