Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

2 cupcakes!

This is Peggy. We had a rare 2 hours of one to one time today as my oldest went to Saturday orchestra ( which she loved, thanks Diane!). So, asked the Pegster what she wanted to do and true to form she had it all planned.
"eeeeemmm, we should go to the cake shop and you can have a pie and I can have a cupcake". Being rather partial to a pie there was no argument from me.
Here she is favouring the cupcake moment.
Slightly more aesthetically pleasing than a big hairy lad gazing lovingly at a locally made mince pie!!!! Whole reason I fancied one was due to sky news believe it or not?
A report today said that the pie industry has grown by 5%in the last year to an incredible £940 million business. That's not to short of a billion a year!!!! Looks like our local baker shops tag line worked........"Say aye te a pie". Would make a good tshirt too!
Thanks for looking

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