
By mandygf

best friends....

today we had a fantastic day & the teen's "BFFL" was with us, it's a blessing when she spends the day with us, cause we don't get any "Kevin & Perry"....

we headed up to Lunan Bay, to the Red Castle & the rain came down, as it does, but that didn't stop us, wee man was in his pram with his rain cover we all got our jackets on & off we went, was a bit of a trek with the pram, but luckily we got an off road one!!!

The views from the castle were fab, but on the way back I spotted more hay bales & got Stuart to stop & let the kids have a ball, got the pictures I had in my mind last time & when I saw this one of the girls I knew I had my blip, I asked permission & was granted it to post her as my blip (yay x) was the funniest thing when the farmer came to the fields with his tractor, the girls bolted to the car & got in, they thought they'd get in trouble for being in the field, but we got a smile & wave & a "Hello..." & he carried on his farmer duties.... so they came out & joined inthe fun again....

so many good photo's another day of hard choices, but this one says it all about my 2 favorite girls x

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