
By D77

The Office

Everyone was back today. The President, The Finance Guy, The Boss, Mrs H(itle)R*, everyone. Mrs HR thought it was unacceptable that I had not sorted out the Business Course room. I had, of course - I just couldn't manage to get furniture that doesn't exist into it; a process that requires sign-off from three of the people mentioned in this paragraph's second sentence, all of whom took an extended Eid Jolly without informing anyone. If I had been in the office when she was shifting the blame to me, I probably would have gotten in trouble for saying something I shouldn't have.

Later, I refereed a shouty match between Mr Boss and Mr President about decisions made that were now being rescinded due to what I can only assume is chronic short-term-couldn't-really-give-a-flying-fuck-anyway-memory loss. Using logic and reason, I managed to calm the main man down (so that he at least stopped shouting and shaking with rage) and now we appear to have a plan for the upcoming semester.

In amidst trying to timetable all the chaos, I couldn't resist this little trick again. It's the last time, I promise, though if Lyndsay can convince the ultra-shy Sonia to take part, I might change my mind.

*She has a picture of Hitler in her office with some nonsense quote on it. I've forgotten what it says, but it's something about being the best you can be. Quite odd.

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