
By Barking

Mad dogs and English (Wo)men

The Crowded House concert last night was fantastic (even better than when I saw them in Nottingham in 1993). We got home after midnight (way past our usual bedtime) and were buzzing. Finally dropped into bed after one.

D rang this morning and asked us if we wanted to go up Rapaki again. Canterbury and D biked up and then did some 'sweet' single track and Cousteau and I slogged up on foot.

It took us longer than planned as people kept stopping to ask about Cousteau and to pat him and generally make a huge fuss of him. He lapped it up (of course) and took the opportunity to snack on a little sheep poo (as he does) - lovely!

Tomorrow isn't supposed to be as nice a day, but that'll give us the opportunity to do some housework and gardening.

I liked this shot of Nevis catching 40 winks. He just looks so relaxed.

Off for a glass of wine and a bath now. Hmmm.

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