
By dailykeith

Welcome to Dorset

It's been a busy family weekend.

Yesterday, my wife, daughter and yours truly travelled to a beautiful part of Oxfordshire to see my mother-in-law, who was celebrating her 85th birthday.

All my wife's three brothers were there - one of whom lives in the same property as my mother-in-law with his family, another who travelled from Luxembourg and the third who flew from the USA.

It was a very pleasant afternoon and a particular pleasure to catch up with John (the USA brother), whom I had not seen in years.

Then today it was down to Dorset to meet my own parents and try to troubleshoot internet problems.

The journey from Gloucestershire is about as appealing as having your teeth pulled. There are very few dual carriageway stretches and no motorway at all. It took me three hours to get there and two-and-a-half to back.

However, it's always nice, of course, to see my parents and they do live in the most idyllic place - in gorgeous countryside not far from the cottage where TE Lawrence lived.

The picture is of a village called Affpuddle, just a couple of miles from my parents' home, with its chocolate box cottages.

I'm shattered after all the driving, but it has been worth it!

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