
By Juleshki

It's Sunday

And I was challenged to a game of chess by my young son.

We haven't played chess for a while and I wasn't sure I was up for a game this evening, but he persuaded me and said he would go and set up the board in the lounge.
I said ok.

When I went in there he had the board and pieces set out on a coffee table with two chairs facing each other in a rather seriously challenging, head to head way.

It was a close game during which I made a serious mistake and he nearly had me, but I turned the game around and he was very disappointed at losing.

I taught him to play when he was quite young and I know there will come a time soon when he will probably beat me with some ease.

My father taught me when I was quite young and taught me well, but I don't recall, as a young child, being able to beat him. I never got the chance to challenge him as an adult.
If he was alive today I wonder if I would be able to take him on now and win.

I'm very pleased my son challenged me to a game this evening.

And perhaps we shall play again tomorrow.

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