Rain Rain Come Here

Once again I woke up in my own bed in my own home =] Love that feeling.

I visited Grandma. She's almost finished with the quilt that is my graduation gift =] It's very pretty and purple. Grandpa wasn't home but he found out that I stopped by and came to visit me before I left.

Had a delicious Panera break lunch with Anthony Darling. And slurpees too :) Delicious stuff. Imma gunna miss him once again =[ Goodbyes continuously suck. <3

Demi's mommy drove Demi, Caitlyn, and I back up to Marist around 1:30. And now I'm here and the food hasn't changed and nor have the bathrooms. Meep.

BUT these are my fancy shmancy rain clothes that I'm super excited to wear...when it rains. It's not raining today but I can't wait for it to!! =] Love those boots. Rain rain come and play.

Joseph Dexter Spotting!!!

"'So you believe in second chances now,' he said, clarifying.'
'I believe,' I said, 'in however many you might need to get it right.'"
-Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen

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