We start our weekend with a long walk on the Leslie Street spit looking for migrant birds. We see very few birds but that lack is made up for by the early autumn flowers, hundreds of monarch butterflies and dragonflies, grasshoppers and strange bulbous spiders.
The highllight of the day was stumbling on a snake that had just caught a mouse. We heard loud squeaking from the grasses and saw an orange striped Garter Snake with a mouse in its jaw sliding away. The mouse escaped. As my husband said, we broke the prime directive - don't interfere. Poor snake. Lucky mouse.
It's really hard to choose a picture from that day! The colours, the forms, the insects, the vibrant flowers, the bright sumac flowers - too much beauty. But this grasshopper hiding in the gold and yellow grasses sums it all up.
Friday Back Blip - Hey Old People!
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