As long as...

...I know what the manky bits in my basement are for or what they do, I'm fine with having manky bits in the basement. It's when I see a hole, spout, tube, pipe, screw or cord that doesn't appear to be doing anything that I feel a bit intimidated by it, especially if it's manky. I know what this small pipe protruding from the chimney stack does, I just don't know exactly how it does it.

I think there was a pretty sunset tonight but with the days shortening I'm usually scrambling to get dinner on at that time of day. Tomorrow I'll go for a blip drive and maybe I'll be the first to blip orange leaves!

Someone very special gave me a huge bag of tender kale from their garden a couple of days ago . Tonight, it was braised till melt-in-your-mouthness and sauteed with sage from my garden, onion, garlic and green and yellow zucchini. This aromatic ragout was then layered with lasagna noodles, a rich bechamel sauce, generous handfuls of Asiago and Parmesan cheeses and baked till golden brown and bubbly.

Yup, there is one thing about impending Fall and Winter I don't mind and that is the comforting, harvest foods.

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