Every Little Step

By moonfairy

I'm not coming out!

Today has been a really cold and very wet day, so Sophia Sparkles, took herself off to one of her favourite sleeping places, a shopping bag, and has literally been in there all day.

She came out for some food, and was sleeping on the bed behind me as I was doing this, but oops she's just disappeared after my daughter Alexandra.

But she doesn't like the cold weather, she's looking decidedly grumpy, and will probably go off and find a nice blanket to sleep on soon. I just hope she isn't up all night now, because she's had too much sleep during the day, just like a child.

I only wish in this picture I'd got her beautiful blue eyes, but I think she's getting a bit fed up with me taking her photo and she moved her head just at the wrong time. (Least that's my excuse for not getting her eyes right!)

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