The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Silbury Hill

One of Wiltshire's treasures is the man-made chalk mound Silbury Hill, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and also in part a Site Of Special Scientific Interest. What we see is the result of some 18 million man-hours in construction during the Neolithic period, possibly begun as early as 2350 BC, making it older in origin than Stonehenge. During Roman times a large village was built at the foot of the hill.

I have photographed it before, and blipped it in April this year, but never before when it has had sheep grazing on it. This view was taken from the south of the hill, with the A4 passing behind me.

(Saturday 18th was also back-blipped)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Shadows - Round And Round and Foot Tapper (from Summer Holiday) (recorded 17 May 1962 and 10 December 1962, Abbey Road)
These are the stereo soundtrack recordings from the 1963 Cliff Richard film Summer Holiday, which I purchased on a give-away DVD published by the Daily Mail on this day, the first of a series of Cliff films. Foot Tapper was re-recorded for a single a month later and topped the UK singles chart.

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