live and love your life

By Chocolatelover


We do not have to go to the mall or shopping center if the kids want to play the sort toys toy cars or horses, types of games like that now frequently encountered came to residential areas. With some modifications, this kiddie ride can be rented in a tour. Name games are placed on the vehicle type of the pedicab is Odong odong. I do not know where the origin of the name.

For the toy train each child enough to pay 1000 rupiah per-song. In addition to interest the kids, this game is using the song, as a matter of payment of rent.

Odong-odong forms vary, there is a form of cars, planes, horses, motorcycles and even no-odong odong resemble rainbow (the game in a fantasy world, Ancol). Everything is naturally petite sizes, not actual size.

Each pedicab usually have four toys. To move each ride, odong odong take advantage of dynamo as a driving force.More and more children who climb then the odong-odong man must have extra energy to pedal. The concept is almost similar to a bicycle dynamo ontel. The difference in odong-odong the odong-odong man could pedal without the need to accelerate the pedicab.

that's a bit information about odong-odong.

and i'll give you a bit information about today :

After enjoying the Eid Fitri holidays, people in Jakarta again to start activities as usual. and today is the first day of school and work, traffic jams in Jakarta, went back as usual, jammed jammed and jammed. but it's not for me, my new semester and new classes will begin Thursday tomorrow, so I still have time to relax at home.

have a great day all!

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