Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Freshers' Week #1

Yes, it's Freshers' Week this week and rather scarily it's 20 years this week since I too queued, signed up for clubs, queued, wandered around looking bewildered, queued some more and also made friends with people, who 20 years on, still want to be my friend.

One degree, a PhD, 3 universities and 5 jobs later and....I'm still at university. I've become institutionalised. I love working in the university sector and the thought of ever leaving the Ivory Tower scares me.

However, one downside to it, is that whilst each year I get older, the students stay the same age and this year's intake of first year students weren't born when I started my degree. Eek.

Anyway - this isn't the best photo, but a) it's raining and b) it's one of the things I always associate with Freshers' Week (photos of some of other things associated with Freshers' Week probably wouldn't be suitable for posting on blip ;-)

I never understood the sudden need to buy houseplants during your first week at university. Posters, yes. Plants, not so sure.....

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