Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Freshers Week

They're back. Hoards of squealing, preening, under-dressed girls. Gangs of too-cool-for-school rugby types with perfectly tousled hair and abercrombie t-shirts just tight enough to show off their biceps. Single, awkward, socially-inept bods of both sexes, but of two distinct classes: arty and nerdy.


I don't know where the hell they all come from, but they descended on South Belfast today like a plague of locusts. I don't know where they all go, because in a couple of weeks they'll be nowhere to be seen, merged into the general student mass.

But where there are freshers, there are promotions. Nightclub PR peeps are everywhere, you can't walk two steps without seeing their balloons, flyers, posters, scantily-clad ladies and chalked pavement ads. Oh, and the megaphones :)

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