Loney Girl

By loneygirl

Creative minds

Walking around the town plaza this morning I chanced upon these two siblings supposedly on their way to school. The sister was trying to detach the half of the string of rubber bands so she could share them with her brother. Sometimes when families don't have much, simple things such as rubber bands can be a good enough toy. These kids take pride in having the longest, thickest string of bands or the most colorful ones. The lack of money brings out the creativeness in these children.I have seen some of them make trucks and cars from sardine and milk cans. They cut and form the tin to resemble the cane trucks that pass by.

I remember giving my 5yr old grandson once a box of paper clips and he played with them the entire day making "trains", strings with Pokemons attached to them and a chain with a "Do not enter" sign outside his room.
Sometimes we have to let our children want for things to enable them to use their given talents.

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