Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Meet Willie Nelson!

Meet the newest member of our household! I know, I can't believe we got another cat so soon after losing Lyle either......but it was fate/God. It was meant to be. When we first put Lyle in the hospital before we left town to attend Will's grandmother's funeral, this little guy was in the cage next to Lyle's. If you didn't already know, Lyle's full name was Lyle Lovett. How awesome that Lyle Lovett & Willy Nelson were next door to each other! The whole time I was visiting Lyle and petting him, Willie kept sticking his paw through the cage opening and batting at me and begging for attention. He was so bored in his little cell. He hooked me right there and then.

He had just had hip surgery 2 days before. His previous owner had accidentally sat on him and broken his hip and was unable to afford the surgery to repair it. The vet's office took ownership of Willie and did the surgery pro bono. During his 4 week stay at the vet, most members of the staff fell in love with him and considered taking him home. If they didn't each already have way too many pets, he would have already gone home with one of them.

I could tell within minutes that this cat has personality. He is super sweet and spunky and fearless. We are delighted to have him and can't wait to see how he fits in with the rest of our cat family. We are keeping him pretty sequestered for now to rest his hip and let him get used to our house and the other cats. He was so delighted to be out of a cage for such a long time last night that he romped and played in the vastness of our bedroom for 3 hours straight until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

He has a purr like a motor boat. He snuggles right up in your face and makes you feel so loved. No one can feel uncheered around Willie. No cat could ever replace Lyle in my heart, but I can definitely make room in it for Willie Nelson. :)

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