I'm 7 months!

7 months (30 weeks + 2 days)

Apparently being 7 months is really exciting and requires much waving!

Katie at 7 months
In the past month she
* started making efforts at forward movement on her tummy (can't quite class it as crawling really!)
* has started and adores swimming lessons
* stands at the play table on her own
* dances at the play table on her own
* has started weaning, 'embraced' weaning (health visitor description) - especially the baby-led stuff.
* gone from one small meal a day through to 3 a day
* has formed a seriously strong attachment to her monkey

She likes:
* playing with my purse, wooden spoons, plastic tubs
* being in the Close baby sling
* Monkey
* brocolli, cornflakes, baby corn, apple, cucumber, mushed sweet potato/parsnip/pear
* playing with her reflection in a mirror
* hats - eating, throwing, scrunching.

She dislikes:
* hats - wearing
* fish, mushed apple,
* being strapped into highchairs

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