A time for everything

By turnx3

A quiet space

Another hot sunny day. This morning I went swimming, then after lunch I went to the library and did a small grocery shop. Before I could take any more books out, however, I had to pay my fines - I had forgotten to take a library book back before we left for England, so I had asked Laura to take it back for me before she left for university - but she forgot! Roger took it back when he returned, but that was still 3 weeks overdue! At least you can do it all by yourself at a machine, using a credit card, rather than shamefully looking the librarian in the eye! I took this in Montgomery on my way back home - its a fairly new little park they put in a few years back. Since Roger is out biking this evening with the cycling club, and we'll be eating late when he returns, I thought I'd post early.

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