The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Shake Your Pom Poms

The morning started with the usual discussion between Abi and Niamh over who was going to sit where on the way to nursery. This is an on going argument and the battle over the front seat became so vicious I was forced to cram all 3 car seats into the back. Ensuring everyone is secured safely now requires an act of contortion that would see your average acrobat dislocate a shoulder. I smugly thought this would put an end to the bickering but no. They now fight over who gets to sit in the pink car seat. This morning I had had enough so told them that if they couldn't behave I would put them both in the boot with the smelly dog blanket and the tyre iron. However the pair of them thought this would be great fun and all arguments were forgottten in their haste to clamber in. Any authority I had quickly evaporated when I had to admit that it was an idle threat and the war over the pink car seat resumed with gusto.

The afternoon saw a trip to Tesco and yet another old lady mistake Katy for a boy despite the fact she was dressed head to toe in pink and me already informing the old bat she was called Katy. I know there is a trend for unisex names at the moment but thought Katy was still a fairly safe bet.

Abi had her dance class this afternoon and this picture was taken outside the house. Well away from Katy who seems to have developed a phobia of pom poms. Little wonder considering the maniac brandishing them.

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