
By flying

Mrs Mallard Duck and Babies

Blue sky greeted us this morning but a very icy wind rolled off the freshly snow capped Southern Alps - it was bitter and filled the air with pollen. I'm not much better, still got puffy, runny, sore eyes, nevermind I still love Spring.

After the grocery shop with Mum, we had a cuppa and stopped by a favourite haunt. We came across Mrs Mallard and her 14 babies - 14!! Can you imagine that! We watched them on land and by crickey they can move fast. Mrs Mallard was an awesome mum. She led them into the water and there were lots of little chirps as they swam away - probably quite excited. I didn't get many shots with the whole 14 ducklings but this is pretty good - the light again was quite bright.

I blipped yesterdays shot this morning - a little bit late.

Friday tomorrow and then the weekend :)

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