Lindsay's photo diary

By twinlindz

Count your rainbows not your thunderstorms

Rain all day + 30 children stuck inside because of the rain = rubbish day at school.

Next time you think your day is bad because of rain spare a thought for teachers. Wet play at breaktime you can just about cope with but wet play ALL day is a nightmare. Cue children who are argumentative, unable to listen to instructions or sit still, noisy and not able to cooperate. Not the kids fault, they've been inside all day so completely understandable. But it does lead to a very tiring and stressful day.

The best part of my day was this morning when pulling up to school i saw a bright rainbow across the dark sky. Was hoping it was a sign for a great wrong could I be.

Time to remember to count my rainbows, not my thunderstorms.

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