Club 107

By club107

Seriously is that what you call a self portrait

Today was just as frsutrating as yesterday at work certainly, oh well I was considerably more philosophical about it, que sera sera, it will sort itself in due course. Possibly tonight, probably at the weekend, in the meantime, other stuff can be done. All is going pretty well, soon to announce numero seis.

This evening was potentially a very fundamentally important moment for all at club107, Number 1 son ate the same food we were having which is splendid, meaning hopefully we can all eat together and we only have to prepare one meal. So yes bags of chips all round, nah, I'm joking, he only got a handful. One of my favourite moments of the day is eating with my family, where we chat, laugh (often I laugh out loud while four individuals stare at me very straight faced), sing, makes noise oh and we try to eat also. We've always done that, so tonight Master Club107 was cordially invited.

Unfortunately this fell on the day he discovered how amusing blowing raspberries with a mouth full of food can be.

Apart from that, quite frankly, stinking rotten weather. And for blip 107, a club107 selfportrait, kind of.


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