I thought i'd be all tucked up in bed by now. It was a fairly reasonable expectation - it is midnight after all.
I'm still checking lenses, checking cameras, charging batteries, changing batteries in flash guns, clearing and reformatting CF cards, writing lists and just generally freaking out a little...i'm taking photies at a wedding tomorrow for the first time...
I am also a guest which means having a fancy schmancy outfit. I don't really do fancy schmancy well. I still want to be comfy so i've opted for tailored trousers and brogues - I am girlying it up with my top half and jewellery so i'm sure it'll be fine.
Wish me more luck than you could shake a big stick at...
- 0
- 0
- Canon EOS 40D
- 1/100
- f/5.0
- 50mm
- 250
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