As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Still In Shock

Today was rough.

People were a little better but everyone was still shaken. In the cafeteria, they had 6 huge boards and a t-shirt for everyone to sign. It was tough seeing everone right about her, but it was good to see how much people care. I really do miss her...

As I was sitting at lunch and talking to Alyssa, I got some strange little inspirational burst. Something popped into my head and was begging to be written down. I feel horrible that I haven't cried but the tears just won't come. When I told Alyssa this she responded with: "I cry. You write. We all deal with things differently." Isn't that true. I wrote it on a blue post-it (her favorite color, which is light blue) and stuck it to her locker, which as you know, is right next to mine. They cleaned it out this morning. I hope that they didn't throw out the note I put in there...

This is my arm. Sooooooo many people were wearing black today with a little bit of neon. Brittany loved neon. Tomorrow's color is light blue. The background on my phone is picture of my friend Maggie's arm.

Good night angel <3

There's not much more for me to say
But if there were another way
I'd go the distance, I'd go that far
To save you from that unseen car


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