Mainichi no Kioku

By saki

Hey look!

Today was a lovely day despite for the heavy rain when I was on my way home...

Was dragging myself to school to meet the lecturer alone but in the end I do not have to meet her as she was busy! Yipee! So after I handed in the report, I went to the mall to look for my mum. I actually spent 2 and a half hours sitting there waiting for her treatment to end in the beauty care shop. Time just ticks life away~

Andrew did a virus scan for my laptop just now as it crashed just right after I am done with the report! Phew~ He said that my laptop is highly infected! HAHA I guess so too, but is is fine! Yay! Is good when my sister has a IT savvy boyfriend~~

Today's shot was at the park! I wanted to try something out with my Versace perfume but it didn't turn out that well. Instead, I met this really gorgeous cat. It is really cute and friendly! It actually poses for me, and thus the above shot. I took many more shots of it, but I am too lazy to share it~

Gotta work tomorrow... This holiday is never fun. I have been rushing for homework and many other tasks even after the tedious exams! Life is hard, but there are many things that motivates me daily. Photography is definitely one of them!

I think I found the 'model' for tomorrow's shot! Yay, and now is time for dramas! Ciao!


P.s: I wonder what was the cat staring at~

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