Toots in Solitude

By Toots


I should be writing this in point 4 typeface because it is becoming such a repetitively boring subject.
Conkers do NOT ward off spiders, at least not the BIG variety.
I haven't noticed any smaller species around lately, unless they are being eaten by the bigger ones.
Last night, as I was just drifting off into a happy state of sleep, a huge spider landed right on my face. To say I lightly brushed it away would be a downright lie, but by the time I got the light put on, I saw it hobbling at speed across the conker-strewn floor and out of sight.
An hour or so later, donned in a beanie hat, eye mask and with the covers pulled up to my nose, I tried to regain that sense of ease and peace that one needs for the purpose of sleep.

***I have had to padlock my gate to keep waifs and strays from peeing all over my garden. (See yesterdays comments)

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