Marseille Day 3. Cassis

My Chew & Chat pal Tom prepared some background facts and info and recommendations about Marseilles, a place he's been six of the past seven years. One of his recommendations was Cassis, a small place up the coast from the city and just a forty-minute bus ride away. Cassis (final 's' not pronounced, as Tom had told us) is also a popular destination for boat trips from Marseilles, so it gets a steady influx of visitors throughout the day.

The day began a bit overcast, but things improved as time went by, and it ended up really pleasant right up until it was time to get the bus back. Cassis is a lovely little spot, blissfully quiet and lacking in traffic and nicely small-scale and laid back, and we enjoyed every moment we spent there.

The blip is of Carl blipping boats moored in the harbour in Cassis, and the blip he blipped.

It's 8.15 pm as I type this, and I've no idea how our final night in Marseille will pan out. If there's anything startling to report, I'll update this with it later.

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