Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother


So the range was serviced today.

The sitting room woodburner is hauled out, we have a new chimney bend to fit.

And the Sweep is coming on Monday, his van broke down yesterday evening otherwise he'd have been today.

Once he has been I shall black lead the fire and then Heating Bingo will commence.

.... if you are at all a fan of TopGear you will know all about Petrol Bingo, Heating Bingo is very similar but involves Mr C&D watching and reporting on the week's forthcoming weather and me in vehement denial about how cold I really am.

Just to be clear Heating Bingo is completely independant of fire lighting or wood deliveries and is solely reliant on the range coming on timer to warm the house before we get up.

Last year we stuck it out until December, before snicking the boiler controls to "twice"

I doubt we will better that this year.

...and by the way I am unbeatable at Petrol Bingo...U-N-B-E-A-T-A-B-L-E oh yes!

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