
By dailykeith

Brain games

If you're looking to recreate that 'cross-Channel ferry, turbulent seas, pass me that bag' feeling, then this is the place to be.

Okay, I might be over-egging this slightly, but those people of a more delicate disposition - ie. yours truly - do find this short stretch of bridge a disconcerting experience.

It makes me light-headed and queasy - a similar feeling to travel sickness - and once I've been across it, I have to wait several minutes before I feel normal again.

My theory is that the design of the sloping roof is to blame - confusing the brain and affecting balance.

The first couple of times I walked across it, I thought the floor sloped, too, but I think this was the brain's confusion manifesting itself.

It doesn't help that when you are halfway across, city centre traffic is flying to and fro beneath your feet.

Anyway, the bridge links the new Cabot Circus shopping centre with its car park. If you're driving in the area, I'd make a point of avoiding the motorists exiting this place. You might get more than you bargained for!

* For anyone who reads this sad excuse for a journal on a regular basis, I managed to solve yesterday's website problem!

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