
By spitzimixi

I spy with my little eye...

reflections beginning with B

I spotted these reflections whilst sitting on the sofa not enjoying the weather (rain & cold) with a cup of tea and thinking about how I'd get a blip out of such a miserable and uninspiring day. Well, that's how. Blip done.

Today I am celebrating 2 years since my last cigarette and the beginning of clean lungs and fitness. It's like New Year's Eve as the years of my life start on the 26th September. Not least because, many years ago in the middle of a rain storm, a wee* baby Spitzimixi was born. Today I am not only celebrating the Last Cigarette but also The Demise of Thirty-Five. I can't say that being 35 was much fun - the last year has been wearing - now I'm sliding down the hill towards 40 when, my friends assure me, life really begins. Bring it on!

*for the sake of accuracy, I was a big and fat baby, a month late and born so fast that I had to be treated for shock.

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